Confidential Information: Social network image voting game; "TOP 3-WAY", "HOT 3-WAY" proof of concept demo

© 2010 Toby Hilden,

Reward points: 16
Global Ranking: 433 of 12,543
Level: 20
Experience toward next level:
player to3y: created the 3-way
Original title: most awesome badass!
your title change:
changing the title in another players 3-way will cost you 2 reward points
you currently have 16. Do you need more?
yes, submit.



In this simulation, the title "most awesome badass " is changed to "best bowl cut," it will then appear below the original 3-way on the main index page.

Altering a 3-way, (creating a "spin-off ")
earns 50 experience points at a
cost of 2 reward points. Other
players can vote on an altered
3-way, but it does not
earn status points.


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