Confidential Information: Social network image voting game; "TOP 3-WAY", "HOT 3-WAY" proof of concept demo

© 2010 Toby Hilden,

Reward points: 05
Global Ranking: Unranked
Level: 1
Experience toward next level:
player to3y: created this 3-way
time for you to choose.... which is the:
most awesome badass!
pick pick pick
advanced options: (these functions are available at level 20)
change title | swap image
flag as inappropriate

There are no wrong answers.

Everyone is entited to their own opinion.

Based on the title of the 3-way, the player picks an image in the layout
to select his choice.

Advanced options. At level 20, the player has the option to modify the layout by either swapping out one of the three images, or changing its title.

To continue the demo, pick the MR SPOCK IMAGE









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