I arrived in Black Rock City early tuesday morning, this is a photo of outside the center camp... |
...it was a shady place where people went to socialize and read morning paper.
... there were spontaneous dances and spoke word performaces.
Ok-- heres the story on the barrels around center camp.
In the scorching heat, they were always burning, and I thought it odd that people were huddled around them.
Last year, Burningman had just been over a few days before the trade towers were attacked.
A fixture at the clean up effort at ground zero, were barrel fires where police
and rescue workers could gather to keep warm.
Artist from living New York, and fresh from the Playa, made several decorative barrels as gifts to these workers.
Apparently, they really loved and appreciated them-- a great story of how the burningman spirit
can be carried over into 'the real world'.
Several of the barrels from ground zero were brought to burningman and placed around center camp.
read the back story from the black rock gazzette
One of my rolls of film melted in the heat. This sadly is the best day light photo i have of The Man. My traditional photo of me next to the man got wasted... argh.. |
Lady on the playa...
sea horse creature... |
fuck... |
These girls were taller than most... |
Thursday evening I made myself up like a vampire. I created and applied
latex facial appliance. I don't remember biting anyone.